Day Sixteen: Alness to Betty Hill

Distance: 119.2 km / 74 mi

Climbing: 1010 m / 3314 feet


Provided you make it out of Alness this is a fabulous day's cycling. Probably the best of the trip. 

We had planned to lunch at Falls of Shin, but the cafe, which had only just been built, wasn't yet serving food. Instead we ate at Lairg before travelling North past the Inn at Crask, the most remote pub in the country, and on to Betty Hill. 

Granted the weather, for us, was good, but there can be few more pleasant places than the golden sands in this part of the country. Quiet, remote and stunning.

Again, though, book early. There's a camp site, and a hotel, and that's it. Both are popular with End to Enders and North Coast 500 tourers. 

Route File

LEJOG day 16 (zip)
