Go Have an Adventure

Resources for cyclists planning a trip from Land's End to John O'Groats

Our Trip

This site is, at present, based on our experience. It is neither perfect nor eternal, but hopefully it might help.

Charlie and I set off from Land's End on 24th May 2018 and arrived at the other end on 9th June. We stayed in hotels and B&Bs. We carried our own kit but, given Charlie's age (11) we also had an adult in a car available in case of need.

Save for two guidebooks (one from Sustrans, the other Cicerone) there seems very little support for people undertaking this journey. Equally surprising is that there is no co-ordination between organisations at either end to enable people to record or otherwise mark their exploits.

Neither of the guidebooks was perfect for us and so I cannibalised both. My route was far from perfect, but, for the most part, it worked OK. I am happy to receive feedback from others on improvements and alternatives.

Good luck!


Questions to answer before you start.


Our route and feedback on it.

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